LE PETIT TRIANON   .   Versailles, France .  6" x 6" x 2.5" Tall


The construction of Le Petit Trianon was ordered by Louis XV in 1763, from an idea of Madame de Pompadour.  It was to be her small chateau on the grounds of Versailles.  The chateau was finished in 1768, too late for Pompadour to enjoy it, but it became Marie Antoinette's refuse from the formal court life of Versailles.  She received the palace from Louis XVI as a present in 1774.  At the Petit Trianon, everything was done "by order of the Queen".  She spent more time here than at the main palace and was always busy with the exotic plants that were raised in the nearby greenhouses.  The two main gardens were another of Marie Antoinette's hobbies.

The architect for Le Pitit Trianon was Ange-Jacques Gabriel.  It was designed as a minor building, but has become his best know structure and is considered among the most perfect buildings in France.  At the time of its construction, Greek-style architecture was all the rage and Gabriel has built a masterpiece characterized by order and perfection.

By 1783, Marie Antoinette will build her famous Le Hameau de la Reine nearby the chateau.  In this small "imagined" village with a dozen rustic operetta houses, she liked to play at being the milkmaid, as she and her "cast" engaged in acting the parts of all the peasants.  "Let them eat cake, indeed". 

Most tourists who visit Versailles are unaware that Le Petit Trianon and Marie Antoinette's "hamlet" are located on the grounds of Versailles - about a mile from the grand palace.  They are both well worth the effort it takes to visit them.