The WHITE SYNAGOGUE  .   Capernaum, Israel . 7" x 9" x 2.5" tall





This beautiful synagogue was built of white limestone and Archeologists have determined that it dates from around the beginning of the third century AD.  Although this was generally thought to be the synagogue where Jesus taught, the dates make that impossible.  It is however, considered that this structure is most likely built on the site above that first century synagogue.  And it is definiely known that underneath this synagogue is a black basalt foundation of an earlier structure dating from the 1st century.

The ruins of the White Synagogue are among the oldest synagogues in the world and were identified by Charles William Wilson in 1866.  The large white block stones of the synagogue would have stood out prominently among the smaller, plain blocks of local black basalt used for the town's other buildings - almost all residential.   The synagogue was built almost entirely of these white blocks of limestone brought from distant quarries.  The internal walls were covered with painted plaster and fine stucco work.  At the front of the miniature model are the black basalt ruins of the village of Capernaum, which occupied the same area as the earlier homes from the time of Jesus.

Capernaum was the hometown of Simon Peter (His home has been tentatively identified very near this Synagogue.  Jesus had selected Capernaum as the town for his public ministry after he left Nazareth.  He taught in the synagogue of Capernaum and it was here that he healed a man possessed by an unclean spirit.  He also healed Peter's mother-in-law of a fever, and healed the servant of a Roman centurion among other miracles.

Recently the consideration that Jesus' synagogue is located beneath the White Synagogue has also been disputed because a more likely synagogue was uncovered in the ancient town of Magdala, a few miles south of Capernaum, and the home of Mary Magdalene.