Mabry Mill

Mabry Mill  .  Blue Ridge Pkwy, Virginia . 6.75" x 6.75" x 3.5"tall

Ed Mabry built this rustic grist mill in 1910 near Meadows of Dan on unusually flat land that lacked a stream strong enough to generate power for milling.  So he and his wife built an extensive flume system.  Although the mill was smaller than most, Mabry gained many loyal customers, not only for the mill but because of the blacksmith shop, sawmill, and carpentry shop he operated.  After he died in 1936, his wife operated the mill for a while on her own.  During the 1930's and 40's, architects designing the Parkway immediately chose Mabry Mill as one of the special scenic places to be preserved.  Today the mill remains operational and is a gathering place for neighbors.